Past week we haven been attending the Gulfood Manufacturing showing our smallest fun cake machine (type FCM1) to inspire our customers developing new cake products. The exhibition has been very successful and a real eye-opener for many companies. This small machine is used for product development and small scale production. At the same time the principle of the machine is identical to our biggest industrial machines. So this affordable and compact machine really shows the potential of the bigger machine at small scale; thus perfect to start small and scale to succes.
We handed-out many fun cake samples to show our customers the real potential of these produces. If you have forgotten too take some; contact us to get some by mail or courier services.
During the very busy times on the booth William found some time to give an interview to Jenny Eagel from Discussing the concepts and business opportunities.

Just drop us an email if you like to receive more information or samples also on the other concepts. Als when help is needed to get the business case right and what budget is required for a complet automatic line.